Trademark renewal: what is it?
The process of extending a registered trademark's legal protection and validity is referred to as trademark renewal. For a business startup trademark is a distinctive sign, such as a logo, symbol, phrase, or combination thereof, that is used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one company from those of others. Once a trademark is registered with the appropriate trademark office, it typically grants the owner exclusive rights to use the mark in relation to the specified goods or services for a certain period.
Registered trademarks are usually valid for a specific duration, which can vary from country to country but is typically around 10 years. To maintain the trademark rights beyond the initial registration period, the trademark owner must file for renewal before the expiry date. The renewal process involves submitting the necessary documents, paying the renewal fees, and complying with any specific requirements set by the trademark office for the business startup.
By renewing a trademark, the owner ensures that the mark remains protected and retains its legal rights, including the ability to prevent others from using similar marks in connection with similar goods or services. Failure to renew a registered trademark for a business startup results in its expiration and potential loss of legal protection, allowing others to use similar marks without consequences.
It's important to note that the renewal requirements and procedures can vary depending on the jurisdiction where the trademark is registered. Trademark owners should stay informed about the renewal deadlines and fulfill the necessary obligations to maintain their trademark rights. Consulting with a trademark attorney or seeking guidance from the respective trademark office can provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding the renewal process.
Benefits of Indian Trademark Renewal
Defense Against Repetitive Lawsuits
Renewal of trademarks can offer continuous protection without the risk of litigation. It guarantees that nobody else has the authority to assert ownership of a trademark and forbids others from doing so.
Rights of Ownership are Expanded
Through trademark renewal, one can acquire protection from infringement of rights to a brand name. After each renewal, the trademark's exclusive rights are extended for an additional ten years, giving the brand and its built-up goodwill permanent protection.
Security for Brand Name
Interruption-free and ongoing brand name protection is ensured by renewing a trademark. The brand's legal protection will expire if the renewal is not completed on time.
Financial Returns
A trademark owner has the right to assign or license their mark to a third party only in exchange for money. This indicates that one can make money from a trademark by charging others to use it.